BridgeGate Server

Connection Types

243 views September 12, 2016 August 11, 2020 admin 0

BridgeGate™ adapters provide the ability to get or send data to other systems. Below is the most widely used adapters use.

  • BridgeGate Web Service (real time service)
    • The BridgeGate Web Service adapter allows BridgeGate™ to expose an enveloped, XML based Web Service for others to connect to, while the Web Service adapter allows BridgeGate™ to connect to other external Web Services as a client.
  • BridgeGate FTP (real time service)
    • BridgeGate™ provides standard FTP services for use by FTP client applications. The BridgeGate FTP adapter allows for file based FTP transfers to be processed in near real time.
  • BridgeGate HTTP (real time service)
    • The BridgeGate HTTP allows BridgeGate™ to expose a Rest based Web Service for others to connect to for Get and POST requests. When enabled, BridgeGate™ receives data over standard HTTP/S transmissions.
  • BridgeGate MQSeries (real time service)
    • The BridgeGate MQ Series adapter mimics the functionality of an IBM MQ Series™ server.
  • BridgeGate MSMQ (real time service)
    • The BridgeGate MSMQ adapter mimics the functionality of a Microsoft™ MQ service.
  • BridgeGate Socket (real time service)
    • The BridgeGate Socket adapter serves as a TCP/IP Port listener to receive near real time data over socket based transmissions.
  • Database
    • The Database adapter can be used as a data source as well as a data destination. BridgeGate™ can connect directly to a database to query, update, insert, or delete information. Any JDBC accessible database is supported out of the box. Some of the types of databases currently available are:
      • Oracle™
      • Microsoft SQLServer™
      • IBM DB2™
      • MySQL™
      • Microsoft ACCESS™
      • ODBC Connection
      • PostgreSQL™
      • Teradata
  • Email
    • The Email adapter can be used to send and receive email via standard email servers using POP3 and IMAP protocols as well as supports secured email transmission via SSL and TLS.
  • File (real time service)
    • The File adapter is used to read and write file based data either locally or across a network. The File adapter can be configured as a service to accomplish near real time processing of files as they are being written.
  • FTP (unsecured, SSL, SSH)
    • The FTP adapter is used to pull or push data as a client to an externally hosted FTP service and allows for standard FTP client configurations in addition to the following options for file handling:
      • Do Not Delete Files (Leaves files in configured directory after successful transmission),
      • Use Decompression (Automatically decompresses compressed files)
      • Additional options
        • Passive
        • Binary Mode
        • ASCII Mode
        • SSL
        • SSH
    • The HTTP adapter allows BridgeGate™ to consume and submit data via standard web based services, whether it is consuming the actual HTML of a standard web page, parsing in the data of a Restful web service returning a complex data structure, or submitting a POST request to a partner’s web based API, the adapter can be easily configured to accommodate any use case. The adapter allows for the following settings to be configured:
      • Get Data
        • Custom Header Fields – key/value pairs that will be added to the connection as HTTP Header(s). These keys will be sent exactly as typed.
        • Options for file handling:
          • Use Decompression – Automatically decompresses compressed files.
          • URL Encode – Automatically converts characters into a format that can be transmitted over the Internet.
        • Send Synchronous Response.
      • Send Data
        • When using a Send Data to make an HTTP connection, you have additional options. The Get Data version only allows a GET request method, since you must place all parameters and/or data into the URL. For a Send Data, a drop down is available to choose the POST or GET request methods. Additionally, you can choose from default Content Types, or you may enter your own custom Content Type.
        • Request Types: DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, & PUT
        • Content Type
        • SOAP Action
        • Private Key Alias – In the event that multiple private keys are stored in the BridgeGate KeyStore, users may need to indicate which key alias is to be used in establishing the SSL/TLS handshake.
  • MQ Series
    • The MQ Series adapter facilitates the client side interaction with an IBM MQ Series™ server for data transfer. Standard MQ Series Factory configurations are required.
  • MSMQ
    • The MSMQ adapter facilitates the client side interaction with a Microsoft MQ Server™ for data transfer. Standard MSMQ client access configurations are required.
  • Socket
    • The Socket adapter allows BridgeGate™ to receive data or send data over standard TCP/IP port based communications with the following options:
      • Keep Client Socket Alive
      • Use Decompression/Compression
      • Private Key Alias – When using a Send Data to make a Socket connection and the SSL option is checked the additional option of Private Key Alias is available, so that users may indicate which key alias is to be used in establishing the SSL/TLS handshake.
  • SSH
    • The SSH adapter allows BridgeGate™ to securely transfer data and can also utilize custom scripts for further processing as needed.
  • Web Service
    • The Web Service adapter allows BridgeGate™ to connect to external web services. The following settings can be configured:
      • Service Endpoint URL (for display purposes only)
      • Target Namespace
      • Request Element
      • SOAP Action
      • SOAP Prefix
      • Authentication
      • Timeout (in seconds)
      • Use SOAP Response Body as Result
      • Maintain HTTP Session

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