BridgeGate Workbench


1010 views September 7, 2016 September 8, 2016 admin 3

BridgeGate Workbench

The BridgeGate Workbench is comprised of the following sections:

Inbound Template Management

Inbound Templates are used to define the format, structure and validation rules for incoming data in your system. Inbound Templates can be reused across multiple Outbound Templates.

Outbound Template Management

Outbound Templates are used to transform the data into the desired format. Outbound Templates also include all of the business logic for the transformation. Outbound Templates are extremely flexible; it is possible to use Outbound Templates for business logic only, with the resulting data discarded, or used for static data only, with no business logic.

Workflow Management

Workflows are used in mapping to business processes within your system. BridgeGate™ Workflows can be mapped to specific, granular functions within a business process, or to the entire business process as a whole, calling other sub-workflows, and managing the entire process with Error Handling, Data Validation, and Quality of Service. Workflows can be scheduled to execute at exact times, as well as in real time as data arrives anywhere in your system BridgeGate™ is configured to look.

Visual Workflow Mode

The BridgeGate Workbench includes a Visual Workflow Mode which changes the Workflow screen to include a graphical view of the Workflow items in the order of their execution. It allows the workflow to be modified by making additions, deletions and relocations of workflow items via drag and drop mouse actions, menu and keyboard selections.

Workflow Scheduling

BridgeGate™ includes a very flexible and robust scheduler than can be configured to run at different interval, from every minute to once a year. When the schedule criteria is met one or more Workflows can be executed.

Workflow Service Execution

Workflows can be triggered to execute in real time, using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach for an ever growing list of BridgeGate™ Adapters, including listeners for file systems, FTP Servers, SSH Daemons, JMS, MQ Series, AS2, Sockets, HTTP, and Web Services. By using this real time mechanism, BridgeGate™ can identify data, qualify it, and finally execute one or more workflows for it.

Test Facilities

The BridgeGate Workbench includes industry leading test facilities, allowing you to test data manipulation at the Field level, Template level, and the Workflow level. As you build Templates to map your data and business logic, it is possible to test each step of the process within the Workbench. Entire workflows can be tested within the Workbench, prior to production.

Transferring Templates/Workflows

Templates and Workflows can be transferred easily from the BridgeGate Workbench and the BridgeGate Server, allowing exchange in either direction. Templates and Workflows are usually maintained on user workstations, and then exported to a TEI Server for immediate use. The transfer screen comes with features to lock Templates and Workflows while maintenance is done, as well as a revision history to allow you to see who transferred each version. Prior revisions are easily retrieved and imported to your Workbench.

Samples and Tutorials BridgeGate™ comes with Samples and Tutorials, organized by:

Field Type Tutorials – Learn how to manipulate individual Fields, using the CHAR, INTEGER, FLOAT, CONSTANT, DATE, and BYTE data types.

Data Type Tutorials – Learn how to read and generate the different Data Types in BridgeGate™, including CSV, Delimited, Database, NCPDP, EDI, Fixed Length, XML, and NVP.

Adapter Type Tutorials – Learn how to create Workflows to connect, retrieve, and send data using the different Adapter Types available in BridgeGate™, including AS2, Web Services, FTP, JMS, Sockets, Command Prompts and Shell scripts, Database, Email, File System, HTTP, MQ Series, and for those Adapters that allow it, Synchronous Responses.

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